Tuesday, August 4, 2009

As I sit and reflect at all the kids I've coached since 1987, I see many different things from decade to decade. It's interesting to see how kids react to coaching over the years. What I did in "87" would never work with the kids of "09" and the things I do with the "09" would have NEVER worked with the kids of "87". It's all good, but THINGS are different and I think over the years that is why I continue to coach.

Kids in the late 80's worked harder because they didn't have the travel opportunities that kids have now. They had travel soccer but not even close to what kids have today. Late 80's would have at the most 2 tournaments, where today they can do up to 4 if not 5 tournament and 10 league games. The competition is so much better because soccer has come a long way since then.

Weights have more impact on kids today then the 80's. Kids are bigger, stronger but not necessarily faster. We have indoor soccer now which give kids a chance to play year-round. In the 80's we had Hoc-Soc. For those who can remember it was in the gym at the high school and it was AWESOME! I would kill to set that contraption up and play one more weekend.

The three class system (1A, 2A, & 3A) gives more of a chance to win and play at the State Tournament. Myself, I love the 1A and 2A which is old school but good school. Don't know if we will every see that again.

As for the parents, I will leave that alone except for one thing. Let the coaches coach and let the kids play! Sit back and watch, enjoy but most of all let the moment and thrill of watching your child play be something to remember for a lifetime. Because before you know it, they are done and move onto to another chapter of their life and you want them to enjoy it as much as yourself.

Coach Longo

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